Hi everyone, I'm taking a time-out from my hiatus to make a brief post regarding a gentleman named Jasper who has just completed his version of my Salish 475, which is an open-transom one-off version of the Star 45 laser cut frames. You can see my version here and here . Jasper's boat looks like it turned out great! Watch the video. Well done Jasper and congrats on your maiden voyage! Aloha , Steve
Hi everyone, You might have noticed that I haven't been blogging for quite some time. Two reasons: 1. I've been involved in a secret IOM project out of Australia and have not been able to blog about it. However, information should be coming out shortly. When I am okayed to talk about it, I'll let you know what has developed. It's exciting! Stay tuned. 2. I'm out of RC Sailing, 3D design, and laser cutting file drawing for the time being. This summer my wife and I were sitting on our deck in Seattle. We had been through a semester of teaching remotely, our city was having riots, the world was on fire both literally and with Covid, the housing market in Seattle was also on fire (in a good way), and I turned old enough to be eligible for (very) early retirement. We were chatting and pondering as we often do, and we finally turned to each other and said, "Screw it, let's go!". Within a month we had sold the house, moved ourselves and the cat in with the...